Destinations For Teens
Through proven therapy with experiential methods, our holistic approach to treatment empowers young people to live healthy and gives families hope for a brighter future.

Destinations provides personalized teen treatment that supports the entire family throughout the journey to recovery. We save lives by helping teens achieve sustainable wellbeing, providing access to comprehensive educational services, and creating a support system that remains in place for years to come.
Our Locations
With programs that meet the needs of teens and families at all levels of treatment, Destinations offers three residential locations in Woodland Hills and two residential locations in San Diego. In addition, we offer an outpatient facility in Woodland Hills, with Partial Hospitalization (PHP – day treatment) and Intensive Outpatient.

We offer residential programs that combine traditional and creative therapeutic options with daily education and dual-diagnosis treatment for substance use and mental health issues.

Day Treatment
Our day treatment program provides the highest level of care while teens still live at home. We offer a full day of programming in addition to education support.

For teens that are living at home, working, and attending school, our intensive outpatient programs help them develop crucial coping skills and relapse prevention as they continue their path to recovery.

We Listen to Every Word
Our staff is trained to listen to each and every concern as they guide teens on a path to recovery. Through our supportive therapy, we help teens overcome the challenges of recovery through support, education, and encouragement.
Serving Our Military Families
The lifestyle of a military family is not an easy one. Constant relocation and a high degree of stress can make things incredibly difficult for children of military families.
Destinations for Teens offers several national locations to provide support and care to the children of America’s soldiers.
As a service member, you put your life on the line for our freedom, the least we can do is offer our ultimate support and care to your loved ones. Together, we can ensure that your child has a bright and promising future ahead of them.

Community Resources
Learn more about mental health, addiction, and various issues within the teenage community.

Destinations for Teens