Alumni Program Information

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Destinations for Teens Alumni Program

After leaving rehab, your journey in recovery is not over. In fact, this is a lifelong process that requires support and encouragement. Therefore, our Alumni program at Destinations for Teens will give you the resources to continue your recovery while helping others.

Alumni Program Support

This extensive support is critical to relapse prevention and the continued development of coping skills. By remaining active in the addiction recovery community, your teen will continue to grow in a positive manner without the fears if constant triggers and relapse.

Specifically, support is the foundation of the aftercare process. These tools, including support groups and therapy, will allow you to learn from others in similar situations while helping as well. Moreover, this ongoing support network will keep you drug and alcohol-free for the long-term.

Benefits of an Alumni Program

There are many various reasons to enter an Alumni program after rehab. For example, the benefits of our program at Destinations for Teens includes:

  • Smooth transition from treatment to everyday life
  • Connection to a recovery community
  • Addiction education
  • Relapse prevention
  • Workshops and goal-setting
  • Flexibility with involvement

As you can see, aftercare is a staple in the preventing the need to return to rehab. However, many people face relapse after rehab and require further treatment in many cases. By entering our Alumni program, you will have the tools and further education to remain sober without the fear of drug or alcohol use.

We Are Here To Help!

Delivering personalized programs for teens that address each individuals specific needs in treatment.
Contact Destinations for Teens today to get started with our programs. Our treatment, therapies, and a community of support can make a difference as you or your loved one works towards recovery.
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