LGBTQIA+ Support Services

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

At Destinations For Teens, we believe adolescents and teens should be celebrated for who they are. Each and every individual is unique in their own way, and we embrace this concept. For members of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, or asexual youth community, we provide a safe, inclusive and affirming environment that promotes trusting relationships, building and improving personal and relational skills, and the growth of a secure identity. Furthermore, through LGBTQIA+ support services, we will make sure you are comfortable during your stay with us.

Mental Health Support and Addiction Treatment

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer teens and adolescents face unique challenges. While social norms have changed for the better over the years, there are still many areas of life where being visibly LGBTQIA+ is dangerous and unaccepted. This strain had serious effects. Many LGBTQIA+ individuals turn to self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to deal with their distress. Unfortunately, this increases their risk of developing a substance use disorder or addiction. It also does nothing to alleviate or treat the underlying mental health issue they may be experiencing, such as depression or anxiety. However, Destinations for Teens offers a thorough dual diagnosis treatment program address both substance use and mental health, allowing individuals to recover more fully.

Through individual therapy and group therapy, teens in our programs can identify their issues, learn new and healthy coping skills, find the support they need to feel confident about themselves, and ultimately overcome their issues. We offer a wide range of therapies, such as:

These therapies and numerous others are options throughout all of our treatment programs. We work with individuals to craft a therapeutic program that meets their specific needs and adjusts as necessary.

Exceptional, accessible care for teens and their families.

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We Are Here To Help!

Delivering personalized programs for teens that address each individuals specific needs in treatment.
Contact Destinations for Teens today to get started with our programs. Our treatment, therapies, and a community of support can make a difference as you or your loved one works towards recovery.
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