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Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Codeine Withdrawal SymptomsOvercoming any kind of addiction is challenging. It can be especially tough when you’re a teenager. Fortunately, Destinations for Teens provides a safe place to overcome addiction. For those addicted to codeine, learning about codeine withdrawal symptoms can make it easier to begin the journey to sobriety, health, and a lifetime of happiness. Read on to learn more about the healing process and how you or your loved one can begin.

What Causes Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms?

Codeine is a prescription drug, but it can still be highly addictive. Codeine is both a painkiller and a sleeping medication, and it can have some seriously harmful effects. Even if individuals take codeine as prescribed by a physician, users can develop a tolerance. When users stop taking codeine, like during detox, then withdrawal symptoms set in.

Codeine withdrawal symptoms are your body’s attempt at getting you to take the drug. If you’re addicted to codeine, after all, then your body is accustomed to a set amount on a regular basis. Withdrawal is when your body learns to function without access to codeine.

Although the withdrawal symptoms of a codeine detox might be uncomfortable, they are short-lived. The worst of the symptoms will be long gone by the sixth day of detox, and any lingering symptoms will likely be gone within two weeks.

Digestive Problems

Codeine is an opioid drug. Like all opioid drugs, codeine can cause constipation in users. During a detox, the digestive system can start to function normally again. This can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Commonly, clients in a codeine withdrawal may suffer from diarrhea. Abdominal cramping is also common. In the short term, it is normal to experience a very low appetite. Once again, these symptoms are temporary and can be treated by medical professionals.

Chills and Goosebumps

During a codeine withdrawal, clients may also find it difficult to regular their temperature. On one end of the spectrum, clients report chills and goosebumps. Even in a room-temperature environment, people may feel very cold.

This isn’t inherently a serious problem. Clients can take steps to layer on more clothes or turn up the heat in order to find comfort until the chills pass.

Sweating and Dehydration

The opposite of the problem detailed above is that clients can feel warmer than normal. Many clients find that their heart rate increases as well as their body temperature. This combination, of course, results in a lot of sweating. That, in turn, can lead to dehydration.

This dehydration may be compounded by the fact that withdrawal makes drinking and eating less appealing. That’s why it is so important to have medical support during withdrawal. Clients can take advantage of liquids or electrolyte replacement as needed in order to stay hydrated and feel better.

Muscle Aches

Muscles aches and joint pain are also common codeine withdrawal symptoms. Treating these symptoms can be problematic because clients may wish to avoid pain medication during withdrawal. The best course of action is the one that suits the individual client. There are plenty of medical resources available to reduce pain and increase comfort during withdrawal.

Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms

Although most of the codeine withdrawal symptoms listed so far have been physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms are also possible. Teens, especially, should only detox when there is access to professional support for these symptoms.

What’s Next: What to Expect After Withdrawal Ends

Withdrawal is just the first step on the journey to recovery. True codeine addiction treatment includes a wide range of therapies and treatments in rehab. At Destinations for Teens, teenagers can get the support needed to overcome a codeine addiction. Available therapies include all of the following: With the right help, codeine withdrawal symptoms don’t have to derail your journey to sobriety. At Destinations for Teens in Woodland Hills, California, teenagers can get targeted help that truly makes a difference. If you or the teen in your life is ready to make a change, call 877.466.0620.