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5 Benefits of Residential Marijuana Treatment

Despite marijuana being legal in many states, it is still a substance that can be addictive—especially among teens. According to the CDC, 37% of high school students have used marijuana, with 22 percent having used it within the last 30 days. While these percentages might not seem alarming, marijuana is considered a “gateway drug” because of its ability to introduce the concept of getting high on a substance. Therefore, it is best to help teens stop using marijuana before they develop a dependency. If your teen is smoking marijuana, there is a need to address their usage. Destinations for Teens offers a residential treatment center in southern California that will help your teen learn healthy coping skills.

5 Benefits of Residential Marijuana Treatment

Young adults who smoke marijuana are seeking a specific feeling—happiness and calm. And while they might achieve it momentarily, the feeling is not everlasting. Marijuana use impacts teens’ ability to:

  • Think clearly
  • Solve problems without difficulty
  • Remain coordinated
  • Maintain focus and attention

Residential marijuana treatment benefits teens in many ways as it supports them in learning to live life without being dependent on smoking. Here are five ways teens will develop a lasting, positive outlook on life with the help of residential treatment.

1. Overcome Marijuana Cravings and the Impact of Withdrawal

One of the key benefits of residential marijuana treatment is that it will help teens move past their cravings and help them navigate the discomfort of withdrawal. For anyone with a drug use disorder, intense cravings fuel their need. And withdrawals, such as reduced appetite, mood swings, and headaches, can be uncomfortable, making a teen want to use it to shake the feeling. In a treatment program, teens will learn how to identify the triggers that make them want to use marijuana. Then, with the help of therapy, they will learn coping strategies that will help them remain in recovery.

2. Receive Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

For many teens who smoke marijuana, they are self-medicating in an attempt to deal with anxiety or depression. Other teens with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) use marijuana to calm down and remain focused without using prescribed medicine. At a residential treatment center, teens will be in ongoing psychotherapy, which will support them in dealing with conditions that lend themselves to addictive behaviors, as marijuana often does.

3. Improved Ability Performance in Daily Life

When a teen’s desire to smoke marijuana becomes a priority, it can take precedence over other responsibilities. The goal of getting high and then managing the outcome can hinder a teen’s academic success as it impairs them from doing well in school and actively participating in various social activities. Through a residential treatment program, teen smokers will learn how to cope with stressful situations without relying on marijuana. Healthy coping mechanisms will improve teens’ ability to do well in school and take on other responsibilities.

4. Improved Health

Marijuana users will sometimes argue that smoking improves their mood. However, this is a temporary fix. Prolonged marijuana usage impacts smokers physically and mentally. However, residential marijuana treatment benefits users because it teaches them how to abstain from smoking. When this happens, they can feel better emotionally and physically, allowing them to remain strong enough to utilize healthy coping mechanisms.

5. Rebuild Relationships

Like other substance use disorders, marijuana users often become isolated from people in their social circle who do not smoke. These can be family members, friends, and even associates. Teen marijuana users need to learn how to restore relationships that were weakened due to their substance use disorder. In a residential marijuana addiction center, teens will participate in one-on-one and group therapy activities to learn how to develop relationships with people in their lives.

Seek Help at Destinations for Teens: A Residential Marijuana Addiction Center

While many people do not view marijuana disorder as a life-altering threat, it is not a harmless drug. When a teen needs to smoke marijuana to calm their nerves or deal with the stressors in their life, they need support. At