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Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

5 Ways Teen Rehab Is Different From Adult Rehab

When teenagers begin using drugs or alcohol, it can be hard on parents and loved ones. It may be difficult to understand why they began using the substance, and parents may feel uncomfortable with the idea of sending them into a rehab program. Families should know that teen rehab is different from adult rehab. Even though it seems difficult, teen residential rehab is very different from the available programs for adults. By understanding the differences, parents can feel confident in seeking professional help at Destinations for Teens.

Evaluating the Needs of Individuals

PBS explains that teenagers have very different needs, and a rehabilitation program must recognize their specific situations and needs. Every teenager is different, but HBO points out that they are still growing and developing. A teen rehab program recognizes that they may not have the same cognitive abilities as adults. A teenager’s brain is still developing, and they may not even recognize how addiction will impact their future. A rehab program helps them understand the long-term consequences of their addiction so that it is possible to focus on healthier choices.

Maintaining Academics Is Why Teen Rehab Is Different From Adult Rehab

Teen rehab programs often offer academic courses to help teenagers keep up with their education and studies. Even if they are not currently attending school, the program will often offer educational classes and treatment so that they are ready to return to their education after completing the treatment plan.

Family Involvement

The teen rehab program will often involve the family more when compared to an adult program. Although any rehab program strives to get family members involved in treatment and counseling, an adult program is not always possible. Adult rehabilitation may focus on the needs of the individual and may have limited contact with loved ones during the initial stages of treatment. In a teen program, the family is involved in counseling and treatment from the start. Even if a teenager is going through a strict program, parents may be involved in counseling with the family or be asked to participate in other ways. It helps improve relationships and encourages parents to openly communicate with their teenage children.

Involuntary Treatment Is Why Teen Rehab Is Different From Adult Rehab

As a minor, teenagers are not making the decisions for their medical health or needs. A parent can send a teenager to a treatment program, even if they do not agree. Adult programs are usually voluntary unless it is related to legal requirements or the individual is incapable of making a decision, and a doctor determines that it is medically necessary. Since adults can decide, many are willing to enter the treatment program. Teenagers who are not willing to enter treatment must be handled in a way that differs from a voluntary program. The professionals recognize that they may not be trying to recover and look for alternative ways to motivate their recovery.

Available Activities Are Why Teen Rehab Is Different From Adult Rehab

The activities available in a teen rehab program may differ from the available options for adults. Teenagers often have different interests, hobbies, or goals compared to adults. According to HBO, peer pressure may also be a primary contributing factor when teenagers abuse drugs or alcohol. Social activities and sports may be encouraged during treatment. Furthermore, the program may offer a greater range of unique activities designed to appeal to younger generations. Depending on the individual interests of a particular teenager, the program may focus on personally appealing activities. It may also include adventure therapy and spending more time outdoors to encourage natural forms of exercise. Some of the active therapies we offer include:

  • Biking Therapy
  • Dance Movement Therapy
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Recreational Therapy Program
  • Surf Therapy
  • Yoga Therapy

These options give young people the best chance for healing.

Discover How Destinations for Teens Can Help

At Destinations for Teens, we understand teen rehab is different from adult rehab. We provide diverse evidence-based and holistic methods that recognize teen rehab differs from adult rehab. At Destinations for Teens, our therapies include individual, group, and family therapy programs incorporating cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), among other approaches. Give us a call at 877.466.0620 to learn more about our addiction rehab programs.