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Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Adolescents: Being a Parent, Coach and Guide

Every day millions of parents send their children out into the world, from preschool to high school and beyond, and it can be a worrisome time, but no matter what a child encounters, there are always ways for a parent to be there to help, coach, and guide them on the right path or if necessary, back onto it. Sadly, kids as early as grade school are at risk of being exposed to drugs, and teen drug abuse is far from uncommon in the United States. The silver lining is that with the number of people, including adolescents, needing help for drugs or alcohol, treatment options are abundant as well. Being a parent, coach, and guide in these tough situations can include choosing the right treatment, or combination treatments, for a child who has begun to abuse drugs. This, along with love and support, can be the key to them successfully entering recovery.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Preventative Education

Drug and alcohol treatment centers have therapists and counselors available for addicts and their family members so that a comprehensive approach can be taken to addressing a youth’s problems with substance abuse. Group sessions are even conducted for adolescents that may have only tried a drug or alcohol or seem to be at risk for experimenting with a substance. These educational sessions can be done in a group setting in a rehabilitation facility or a treatment specialist can speak to a group of teens at school or another community location. The important part is letting them see the dark side of drug abuse for themselves before they experience it.

Group Treatment Specifically for Adolescents

This may seem obvious, but teens should be in drug rehabilitation therapy programs developed specifically for their age group. Adolescents have a different set of problems than those younger or older than them, and therapy and counseling needs to be aimed properly at their exact challenges. Although younger children can certainly have substance abuse problems, teens are at a point in their life when they have more freedom, and thus more access to acquiring and experimenting with drugs. Group therapy for adolescents can allow them to maintain this feeling of freedom and social continuity with their peers while being counseled for drug or alcohol abuse.

One-on-One Counseling Including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Group therapy in no way lessens the value of one-on-one counseling and the two are often combined in the treatment of an adult or adolescent. One type of a behavior-based approach to counseling which can be done on group or individual sessions is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. CBT allows adolescents or adults to explore the consequences of using drugs as well as learn coping skills so that they can more easily deal with future exposure or peer pressure. Once a person of any age is in recovery, avoiding and coping with triggers that may cause them to use again is key, along with a well-developed support system, including parents and loved ones.

Understanding Addiction and Asking for Help

Addiction is a disease, but teens can choose to get help and make changes in their behavior in order to return to a balanced life. The first step is admitting that help is needed, and accepting that by participating in a group therapy setting, that there is a successful outcome on the horizon. The road to recovery is a long one, but by including group therapy as a treatment option, it is not one that your child has to travel alone. Contact us at 877-466-0620 to learn more about our addiction treatment services.