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Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

5 Benefits of Teen Cocaine Addiction Treatment

There are many challenges associated with fighting a cocaine use disorder. On the one hand, teens are battling the urge and withdrawal symptoms associated with using. And on the other hand, they are struggling with managing the emotional triggers that led them to begin using cocaine frequently. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately six percent of those admitted into treatment programs abuse cocaine. It is proven that cocaine addiction treatment in South California can help those suffering learn the self-love and care needed to fight their substance use disorder effectively.

What Are the Signs of Teen Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is such a powerful drug that its use can quickly move from occasional use to dependency. Here are signs that your teen has developed a substance use disorder:

  • A new set of friends
  • Decreased academic achievement
  • Excitement and erratic behavior
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Less interest in extracurricular activities
  • Mood swings
  • Runny nose
  • Violent behavior

If your teen has developed a substance use disorder, it is essential that you seek cocaine addiction treatment. A treatment program will support a teen in navigating the withdrawal symptoms associated with physical dependency. Treatment will also help teens deal with psychological triggers associated with cocaine addiction.

What Are the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program Options Available?

When a teen’s dependency on cocaine is present, it is time to seek treatment. There are many treatment options for teens, such as:

  • Residential
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient

In all of these cocaine addiction treatment options, each teen’s needs are placed at the forefront so they can lead sober lives.

5 Benefits of Teen Cocaine Addiction Treatment

No matter what option you choose to fight cocaine dependency, there are clear benefits to undergoing treatment. Here are five cocaine abuse rehab benefits:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) – Teens need to learn coping skills to defeat a substance use disorder. CBT is a therapy focused on goal achievement, emotions, and behaviors. Therapists utilize CBT to help teens shift their mindsets so that they can behave positively. Teens will learn life skills and coping strategies in individual and group therapies.
  2. Creative therapy – Teens need to express themselves and learn new ways of dealing with emotions. Creative therapy options such as sports, yoga, dance, art, photography, and music help them navigate their feelings effectively.
  3. No academic interruptions – Teens enrolled in residential or inpatient treatment options will be in school daily, allowing them to not fall behind in their schoolwork.
  4. Limited distractions – Teens enrolled in a residential program can focus their time and energy on learning the tools necessary to become substance-free.
  5. Peer support – In addition to the professional help available, teens will have the support of other teens. By participating in CBT group therapy sessions and creative therapy activities, teens will learn from others and build a network of positive peers.

The benefits of teen cocaine addiction treatment far outweigh the option of continuing a drug dependency. Choosing a treatment program will help your teen develop the skills necessary to stop using drugs.

Find Cocaine Abuse Rehab Benefits at Destinations for Teens

Cocaine abuse rehab benefits not only your teen but your family as well. Although addiction is most heavily felt by the person challenged with overcoming their dependency, their community is also impacted. Family members must participate in therapy and other activities with teens to learn how to best support their recovery. It is also essential to help families rebuild their trust to strengthen relationships. Teens depending on cocaine to have fun or deal with their anxiety need help. The best way to support teens is to show compassion and help them realize there is nothing wrong with seeking support. The benefits of teen cocaine addiction treatment are unparalleled. Teens will learn how to identify their emotional triggers and learn the coping mechanisms necessary to remain positive. If your teen needs treatment, please reach out to Destinations for Teens. Contact us at 877.466.0620 to end your teen’s cocaine dependency.