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Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Does Psychotherapy Work?

You’ve probably come across psychotherapy as an option for treating substance abuse or a co-occurring mental health disorder. Have you ever wondered, “Does psychotherapy work?” If your teenager needs to talk to someone, why can’t they just turn to their parents, guidance counselor, or a trusted friend? Psychotherapy is useful for treating a number of mental health conditions and may even work better than medication in the long run.

How Does Psychotherapy Work?

a teen asks her mom does psychotherapy workPsychotherapy works by implementing therapeutic actions that help patients respond to trauma, overwhelming feelings, or stress in a way that benefits them, their loved ones, and their environment. Talk therapy involves more than just venting about your problems. It may include examining invasive thoughts or looking at traumatic events in your past. You might also do homework that involves writing about your feelings or keeping track of your moods. In most cases, a therapist will work with you to help you gain awareness of your emotions and establish positive behaviors in response to your feelings.

Benefits of Psychotherapy

Does psychotherapy work by changing your brain chemistry as medications do? Changing your thoughts and behaviors can alter hormone and neurotransmitter levels in your brain. However, psychotherapy also requires patients to take responsibility for their actions. This can then lead people to feel more purposeful, intentional, and fulfilled in life. Psychotherapy has none of the side effects associated with medications. Furthermore, continuing with psychotherapy sessions even after you’ve left rehab can help prevent relapse. Psychotherapy can also help you:

  • Cope with powerful emotions
  • Gain clarity when things seem overwhelming
  • Overcome insecurities
  • Set and reach goals
  • Change unhealthy behaviors
  • Identify triggers for drug use
  • Develop healthy habits

Does Psychotherapy Work? That Depends on Your Relationship With Your Therapist

It’s essential that you develop a trusting relationship with your psychotherapist. In fact, the rapport between the client and therapist is the best predictor of the therapy’s effectiveness. You have some responsibilities when it comes to establishing a strong rapport with your therapist. Showing up on time demonstrates your level of commitment. Participating is also vital to the outcome. Of course, it’s understandable that you’ll come across obstacles, frustrations, and exhaustion. However, your therapist is there to help you work through those limitations so that you get the most out of your sessions. Incorporating psychotherapy into a well-rounded approach to treatment is essential. There is no template for helping someone heal from mental health issues. The best therapist customizes his or her approach based on the client’s needs. That’s why we offer a psychotherapy program that is specifically for teens. We understand the struggles that people in this age group face. Our team will create a targeted approach to treatment, which may include the following:

Does psychotherapy work the same for everyone? It’s a complicated process that relies on many factors to be effective. Call us at 877-466-0620 to find out how our well-rounded program can help you or your teen find the strength to move forward in recovery.