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Is it Possible to Abuse Vyvanse?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Vyvanse is a prescription drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is prescribed to children, teens, and even adults. The prescribed purpose for using Vyvanse is to provide people with focus and energy. Vyvanse, however, is also an amphetamine salt allowing users to feel its side effects for up to twelve hours. Teens often take the drug to improve their grades in school. However, teen Vyvanse use can also lead to addiction. Destinations for Teens provides many treatment options for teen Vyvanse users. Vyvanse addiction treatment will help your teen end their use of Vyvanse while also supporting their mental health journey. Reach out to us at 877.466.0620 if you believe your teen is abusing Vyvanse.

Is Vyvanse an Addictive Drug?

The short answer: yes. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice fined the manufacturer of Vyvanse $56.6 million after a study proved the drug to have the same abusive characteristics as other amphetamines. According to revised 2017 FDA guidelines, Vyvanse does indeed hold potential for addiction. It is so important for doctors, psychiatrists, and parents to talk to their children about the dangers of overusing this medication. Teens using Vyvanse without a doctor’s prescription purchase the drug on the street using names such as V-Twin, Steamo, Zaded, and Vicky. Teens and young adults typically use the drug to stay awake so that they can study for examinations. Therefore, there is the potential for Vyvanse to be considered an abusive drug that leads to dependency and, ultimately, addiction.

Signs of Teen Vyvanse Addiction

When a teen is using Vyvanse without a prescription from a medical professional, it should be considered a form of addiction. In addition, if a teen is misusing their Vyvanse prescription, this too should be considered a form of dependency. According to the 2017 Monitoring the Future survey, 1.5 in 100 high school students use Vyvanse. It is not uncommon for parents not to realize that their child’s medication is potent enough to be addictive. After all, it is prescribed to help teens concentrate so that they can maintain their grades. However, Vyvanse can easily be used in excess. Vyvanse users might crush tables or empty their capsules so that they can easily snort or inject the drug. Many signs will be present if your teen is abusing Vyvanse. While some signs are physical, others are behavioral. Here are some signs of teen Vyvanse use:

  • Compulsively seeking and taking the drug
  • Increasingly secretive behavior
  • Less interest in family and other relationships
  • Obtaining and using Vyvanse despite the presence of danger
  • Taking substantial does to achieve a particular effect
  • Using Vyvanse despite negative side effects
  • Unable to stop taking Vyvanse
  • Withdrawing from extracurricular activities and school

What Are the Side Effects of Vyvanse Use?

Vyvanse use should not be ignored. The drug is highly addictive, and the consequences for its use are plenty. Vyvanse is an amphetamine that changes your brain and its reward system. Many users report having bouts of insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, vomiting, and headaches. People who misuse Vyvanse also report that it can make them feel weak and jittery. Others, however, report that consistent overuse makes them feel very alert. Some of the greatest side effects of Vyvanse are seizures, cardiac arrest, and even sudden death.

Effects of Vyvanse Addiction

Heavy users of Vyvanse often experience the following side effects:

  • Insomnia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Heart attack or stroke

What Happens In a Vyvanse Addiction Treatment Program?

Teens abusing Vyvanse need to learn tools to help them manage their emotions so that they are not dependent on substances to remain focused. In an addiction treatment program, teens will work one-on-one as well as group therapy to remain motivated. While withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, hunger cravings, and even depression are common, the staff at Destinations for Teens assists young adults in remaining sober. Contact Destinations for Teens about our Vyvanse addiction treatment programs at 877.466.0620.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]