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Saying ‘No’ to Peer Pressure on Independence Day

The Fourth of July is right around the corner. As the nation gets closer to celebrating its independence, our excitement gets even more significant. From family cookouts to fireworks, Independence Day is all about unity and solidarity. But for teens battling substance abuse, it can also be triggering. If you are worried about your teen saying no to peer pressure during this holiday weekend, Destinations for Teens offers a virtual intensive outpatient program through its teen treatment centers. Here are some helpful tips that will help you support your teen from succumbing to peer pressure during the Fourth of July festivities. To learn more about teen peer pressure and treatment options, reach out to an addiction specialist at 877.466.0620.

Remember Triggers and Focus on Coping Methods

Being around alcoholic beverages is tough. Unfortunately, many teens relapse because they have not identified their triggers and have not developed coping methods. Triggers are events, people, or emotions that allow us to remember specific memories and have cravings associated with either alcohol or drugs. Help your teen identify their triggers. One way teens can easily recognize their triggers is by writing them down before attending an event. Then, you can discuss with your teen how to cope with their trigger so that they can remain sober. If you want your teen to remain strong during Independence Day weekend festivities, you have to prepare them by practicing the word “no.” Every day, help your teen avoid peer pressure by practicing how to say no definitively. Although this may sound strange to practice the habit of saying no, it can be beneficial when your teen is offered alcohol.

Prepare an Exit Strategy When Faced with Peer Pressure to Drink

The best way to avoid consuming alcohol is to be prepared. When your teen begins to see cans of beer or liquor bottles circulating, they need to leave the environment. The best way to handle this: be prepared with an exit strategy. By preparing an exit strategy, your teen will be avoiding the peer pressure to drink.

  • Help your teen identify someone they can depend on for help when faced with an uncomfortable situation.
  • Coach your teen to recognize their triggers and then share with trustworthy friends and family. When others can acknowledge your teen’s triggers, they will be better equipped to support their sobriety.

Finally, by having a prepared exit strategy, your teen is controlling their surroundings, exerting self-control. And even more significant: they are not succumbing to teen pressure to drink alcohol or use drugs. If you believe your teen is developing a substance use disorder surrounding the use of cocaine, marijuana, opiates, or any other drug, helping them get treatment could save their life. Teens may even be more likely than adults to develop a substance use disorder after the first time they try cannabis. Consider the following treatment programs:

Focus on Staying Sober

If you go to parties and family meetups on Independence Day, it is not uncommon for alcohol to be present. Although alcohol can be stressful for a teen working hard to remain sober, there is a solution. Help your teen shift their thoughts from drinking to focusing on staying sober.

Destinations for Teens: Helping to Combat Peer Pressure

Independence Day is a great time to celebrate with family and friends. Help your teen navigate their special events without feeling pressured to drink. If your teen needs support during Independence Day weekend, we are here to help. Contact Destinations for Teens [at Direct] to learn more about our teen treatment centers.

References Teens more likely than young adults to develop SUD after first cannabis use. Alison Knopf, Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 21 April 2021.