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Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

a teen sits on the school floor wondering about signs of prescription drug addiction

You can’t open the newspaper or the Internet without seeing stories about prescription medication dependence and addiction. It has, unfortunately, reached epidemic levels. In the middle of the problem, we find teens becoming addicted to their anxiety medications or picking up painkillers on the streets. Therefore, one of the only ways a parent can really help combat this problem is by increasing their awareness about the signs of prescription drug addiction.

If someone you love needs prescription addiction treatment, contact Destinations for Teens at 877.466.0620 today.

Recognizing the Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction

As drug use turns into addiction, the drug user will likely display certain characteristics and behaviors that indicate something is awry. Of course, the specific signs of drug use or addiction will depend heavily on the type of drug the user is abusing. However, some rather generic signs are easy to identify. If you think your child may be addicted to painkillers, the best thing you can do is reach out for help. For example, when abusing painkillers, the typical signs of use might include:

  • The need to increase doses or frequency for the desired effects
  • A general withdrawal from family and friends
  • Ignoring personal hygiene
  • Constant obsession with getting pills or money for pills
  • Doctor shopping to get multiple prescriptions
  • Criminal behavior to secure drugs
  • Drastic mood swings

As bad as these signs are, the withdrawal symptoms can also be just as dangerous. The list of codeine withdrawal symptoms includes tremors, convulsions, hallucinations, blood pressure issues, and breathing problems. This is the mess that encompasses addiction.

The Importance of Prescription Medication Addiction Treatment

There’s only one way out for the individual dealing with the cycle of addiction to prescription drugs. They need to get into an addiction treatment facility as soon as humanly possible. That means getting into treatment as soon as the signs of prescription drug dependency become apparent. The treatment programs for prescription medication addiction will usually include a detox process, therapy, and access to aftercare options. For example, with fentanyl addiction treatment, the patient might need a highly restrictive treatment program. At Destinations for Teens, the key component of treatment is a therapy that allows the patient and their counselors to determine the addiction’s causes. Using that information, they offer treatment options to deliver a lasting recovery and a world of possibilities.

Helping Your Teen With a Prescription Medication Addiction

Remember that your teen needs to feel completely comfortable sharing what is happening in their lives more than anything. Encourage your teens to make solid choices and keep an open door policy if confronted with a challenging situation. Teenagers are very sensitive and will shut down if they feel they are not being respected or heard. They will also refuse to share information with you if they think they cannot trust you to be present and guide them. Therefore, please speak to your teen in a manner that will allow them to accept your guidance and talk candidly.

Benefits of Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Taking the brave step of seeking treatment for prescription drug addiction comes with a multitude of benefits. These benefits can bring about a significant transformation, not only in the life of the individual struggling with addiction but also within their family, relationships, and overall quality of life.

  • Physical health improvement – The immediate benefit of treatment is improving physical health. The body begins to heal once the abuse of prescription drugs stops, leading to increased energy, better sleep, and improved overall well-being.
  • Mental clarity – Prescription drug abuse often clouds thinking and judgment. Treatment helps restore mental clarity, enabling clearer thought processes and decision-making abilities.
  • Emotional stability – Regular use of prescription drugs can lead to emotional instability. Treatment programs offer therapeutic options to restore emotional balance.
  • Improved self-esteem – Last but not least, overcoming addiction improves self-esteem and builds self-confidence. It’s a testament to the individual’s strength and determination to reclaim their life from addiction.

Remember, it’s never too late to seek help. If you or your loved one show signs of prescription drug addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional treatment center like Destinations for Teens. Our personalized, supportive approach can help teens holistically navigate the journey to recovery.

Information About Destinations for Teens

Our Woodland Hills facility offers a wide range of treatment options for teens. Our list of services includes:

Of course, if your teen is showing the signs of prescription drug addiction, there should be a sense of urgency. Addiction treatment is the only way to get them back to living the right way. At Destinations for Teens, we also focus on teaching the kids the truth about addiction and how to make better choices that will have a positive impact for years to come.

Contact Destinations for Teens for Prescription Drug Use Treatment Programs

Now that you know the signs of prescription drug abuse, it’s essential to take the next step and get your teen the help they need. At Destinations for Teens, we offer comprehensive treatment programs designed specifically for teens dealing with substance abuse.

Our team of therapists and counselors has extensive experience working with teenagers and understands their unique needs and challenges. Contact us at 877.466.0620 today.

References Teens and the Misuse of Prescription Drugs: Evidence-Based Recommendations to Curb a Growing Societal Problem. The Journal of Primary Prevention volume 29, Article number: 503 (2008)