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5 Behavioral Therapies That Can Help Teens With Recovery

If a teenager in your life is struggling with drug abuse, taking action now can address this abuse and get them back on track. Teens have unique treatment needs and those designed for adults are not always effective. Behavioral therapies help with recovery when they have been modified to better suit the unique situation of treating teens that suffer from drug abuse. The following are a small sample of a number of behavioral therapies that can help teens through addiction recovery.

Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)

MDFT is an outpatient, family-based treatment established to improve communication skills for teens who abuse alcohol or drugs. MDFT addresses this substance use within the context of network influences, including peers, family and community. MDFT includes both individual and family counseling sessions that take place at a drug treatment center, at home, in school or another safe community location. During the individual sessions, your teen and their therapist work together to develop stronger problem solving, decision making, and negotiation skills. Parallel sessions are held with family members in order to analyze and refine parenting styles and develop a positive home environment that contributes to the health and well-being of all family members.

Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

MST is adolescent behavioral therapy that addresses the behavioral factors that contribute to your teen’s drug abuse. These behaviors include favorable attitudes towards drug use, peer pressure, and poor performance in school. MST also addresses conflict within the family that may be a contributing factor, such as parental behavior that enables teen drug abuse.

Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT)

Designed specifically to target the interactions that may be aggravating teen drug use or other co-occurring behaviors like aggression, delinquency and risky sexual practices. This treatment approach includes an evaluation of the behavior of each family member. Then the therapist can identify and educate on the patterns of family interaction that may be exacerbating drug abuse.

Functional Family Therapy (FFT)

A similar systems-based family behavioral therapy approach, the goal of this treatment is to improve communication through teaching conflict resolution, stronger parenting skills, and better problem-solving. Each treatment session typically includes both the adolescent and a family member. Engaging with families throughout the treatment process helps increase their motivation for change.

How to Help Your Teen

Experimenting with drugs or alcohol is sometimes viewed as a normal “rite of passage” for teens. However, experimentation can also lead to abuse and addiction. When searching for treatment it’s important to consider a program that incorporates behavioral therapies that address the unique situation of being a teen, as well as integrating the entire family unit into treatment. To learn more about behavioral therapy and our addiction treatment services, give us a call at 877-466-0620