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Trauma Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Treatment

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Exceptional, accessible care for teens and their families.

If your teen struggles with addiction or mental health problems, trauma possibly formed the roots of these problems. But you can help your young person get back on a better track through quality therapies at Destinations for Teens. One of the most useful types of therapy is trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). This therapy and other types of treatment help your loved one enjoy a happier, healthier life with greater stability.

What Is Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is a type of therapy provided only in a highly qualified trauma treatment center, such as Woodland Hills, California’s Destinations for Teens. This evidence-based therapy helps children, teens, and families like yours work past the terrible effects of trauma. The methods used in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy help your young person resolve their emotional problems and better cope with stress.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), forming the foundation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy treatment, helps thousands of people each year. Individuals of all ages benefit from CBT and other methods developed from this therapy. But trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy treatment uses CBT with a trauma-sensitive approach for children and teens.

CBT forms the core of many addiction treatment programs, for people of all ages. But after trauma, your teen needs TF-CBT in a teen-specific program.

How TF-CBT Works for Your Teen

Teens treated by Destinations for Teens receive individualized treatment plans. So when your teen needs help for behavioral problems stemming from trauma, TF-CBT becomes part of their unique plan. This therapy combines with other types of treatment, such as one-on-one counseling, dual diagnosis treatment, holistic methods, group therapy, and family therapy.

For each session, your teen meets with a trained therapist. Of course, the family unit plays a big part in many therapies at Destinations for Teens. This is also true for TF-CBT.

As a parent, you help your loved one learn essential skills, practice them, and grow healthier, as a result. At the same time, you learn and benefit from TF-CBT, too.

One of the most wonderful aspects of any CBT, such as TF-CBT, is how the methods require only short-term treatment for long-term results. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy only requires about 16 sessions for most young people. In those sessions, you see real results.

TF-CBT helps your teen better process thoughts and emotions about past traumatic events.

This helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. The trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy treatment also helps your young person change how he or she thinks about trauma and general, everyday experiences.

Important Therapies Your Teen Needs after Trauma, Mental Health Problems or Addiction

Young people often turn to substance use after trauma. In fact, adults often take the same path. Without the right help, past trauma causes many struggles in everyday life and leads to a multitude of mental health problems. But quality therapies and an individualized treatment plan give your young person a real chance for a quality life.

Besides TF-CBT, Destinations for Teens’ therapies and programs include:

At Destinations for Teens, your loved one who suffers from mental health or addiction problems receives quality help designed just for teens. With this treatment, you help your teen enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life beyond addiction, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. You also help your whole family improve for better daily functioning and a brighter future.

Call Destinations for Teens in Woodland Hills, CA, now at 877.466.0620 to learn more about trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and other important therapies your teen needs. Remember to have your insurance information handy for benefits verification. At the same time, ask about available programs and how treatment will help your loved one live a happier, healthier life for the long term.